Getting It Straight

Most people who complete an addiction treatment program are sent home after just a few weeks and are expected to remain clean and sober for the rest of their lives.  However the tragic reality is that about 80% of people who complete treatment relapse within 2 months. The reason for this is people are in treatment for only a few weeks and don't have enough time to change the key things that have kept their addiction going. Tackling those is crucial for anyone who wishes to get beyond mere sobriety, stop relapsing over and over again and have a healthy, vibrant and truly functional life. Though our program you will discover what those psychological structures are and dismantle them so that you can take you can fully recover from your addiction.

Getting It Straight

Most people who start an addiction recovery program don’t really understand to what extent their perceptions, values, thinking patterns and emotional coping strategies have been compromised and distorted by addiction. Consequently, their journey back to health and happiness often fall short of full recovery because they don’t understand just how profoundly they were affected. Many of them are often barely hanging on to their sobriety, have gone back into using or are still clean and sober but are not as happy as they had hoped for and/or still carry unresolved issues and trauma.

In this program you will learn about the subtle but powerful psychological factors that have allowed you to develop a substance abuse issue. Unless these are addressed, they will keep you trapped in an endless cycle of trying to quit using only to relapse again within a matters of days, weeks or months. While traditional addiction treatment programs can help people achieve sobriety these programs do not do a good job at fully dismantling these structures and when it comes to addiction, they must be because it is those things that control the behavior of using. Helping someone to just quit using is like treating a symptom of a disease without fixing the problem. 

Our program is not for everyone and we only take on a limited number of clients every year. It is not for people who aren't clear that they have a substance use issue. It is not for people who want to, for example, quit drinking, but keep smoking pot and are not fully prepared to quit all use of mood altering substances. It isn't for people who are not ready to tackle the root causes of their addiction. It is not for people who are looking for a program that will cure of them of their addiction in just a few weeks and it isn't for people who will not be able to get any clean time unless they enter the sheltered environment of  a residential treatment program. However is you are someone who is 100% clear that you have a serious problem and you are ready to do whatever it takes to overcome it AND you are someone who will be able to get some clean time without entering a residential treatment program, then we can help overcome your addiction once and for all. 


Traditional Treatment Programs

Program Length: 4 weeks

Group Counselling: Included

One on One Counselling: Not included
Family/couples counselling: Not Included
Must leave home and work to attend treatment

Life long access to addiction resources and support: Not Included

Relapse Stats:  80% relapse rate within 2 months of completing program

Cost: $15,000-$30,000 per month

Our Treatment Program

Program Length: 1 year
Group Counselling: Included
One on One Counselling: Included
Family/couples counselling: Included
Remain at home and work while attending treatment

Life long access to addiction resources and support: Included

Success Stats: 70% success rate of staying clean and sober after 3 years

Cost: $10,000 for one full year

  • Comprehensive addiction treatment program designed to fully overcome addiction
  • Weekly one one one counselling with your own qualified counsellor for first 4 months
  • Followed by 8 months of weekly aftercare meeting to ensure that you are staying on track in your recovery
  • 325+ page workbook and access to large library of videos
  • Unlimited and life long access to all the videos and resources for all graduates
  • 24/7 Access to peer support for life
  • Work from the privacy of your own home
  • Unlimited weekly aftercare renewal available once first year of treatment is complete
  • Additional one on one counselling available

One on One Counselling


On Going Support



Weekly Teleconferencing

Discussion Forum

Meet the founder: Pierre Morais

I have been working in the field of addiction since 1995 and have been in my own recovery from addiction since 1987. I hold a Master's degree in Counselling Psychology and I am a published author on the topic of addiction. I have travelled around the world talking about addiction and my programs and have been featured in numerous television news broadcasts. 

I have worked in some of the best clinics and treatment centers in the in country and I have become convinced that we need a new way to help people overcome their addiction because the models we have now simply don't work. The sad fact is that over 80% of people who attend residential treatment programs relapse within 2 months. I also wanted to make effective addiction treatment more accessible and affordable.

I used all my personal and professional knowledge and expertise to develop the Getting It Straight program and after 3 years of offering this program, over 70% of the clients who have completed the program are still clean and sober and doing very well in their lives. 

I only take on a limited amount of clients each year so if you want to be one of them, book a consultation with me. If you are a good fit for this program and you are ready to put in the work that it takes to overcome your addiction, I know I can help you get over your addiction and reclaim your life.

Program Outline

Getting It Straight

Program Curriculum

Week One

The True Nature of Addiction

Week Two

Defining Addiction

Week Three

The Phases of Recovery

Week Four

The Process of Change

Week Five

Learning To Feel Again

Week Six

Reclaiming Our Feelings

Week Seven

Addiction and Spirituality

Week Eight

Breaking Through Denial

Week Nine

Mending Broken Bonds

Week Ten

Mending Broken Bonds Part II

Week Eleven

Trauma in Recovery

Week Twelve

Grief in Recovery

Week Thirteen

Preventing Relapse

Week Fourteen

Building a Strong Recovery

Week Fifteen

Strong Recovery Part II

Week Sixteen

How Addiction Affects Families